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Employee Blog

Days of the ADAMAS employee

Fire drill in autumn

I performed the cause, the fire drill of the refreshing blue sky.

It is the training that assumed that a blackout occurred by an earthquake this time.

There is the place where it is difficult to walk with pitch-darkness commonly when I do not turn on electricity in the factory.

Should I install lights in the step whether it is a thing to advance with the light of own smartphone?…I performed it and actually inspected it.

As the result, people of the, after all, department were considerably behind with evacuation, it became the future refinement.

I change some contents in the ADAMAS every time and perform a fire drill.

Well, how shall I do the spring fire drill?…

ゞ which I am going to think about in various ways now ('◇')

1117-384, Shimokonakayama, Shibata-shi, Niigata
TEL. 0254-33-2211
FAX. 0254-33-3756
Production, sale of the Diamond whetstone
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