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Employee Blog

Days of the ADAMAS employee

Raccoon dog cake

[raccoon dog cake] Do you know?

It is the traditional cake which butter cream entered inside,
There seems to be a deep-rooted fan…

The thing named << national raccoon dog cake habitation map >> seems to exist, too (laugh)

Such a raccoon dog cake
As I obtained information that it was in [April temple] of Tainai-shi
I made "capture" promptly.

("capture" seems to mean that I buy a raccoon dog cake)

tanu…Come…Is it nanokana? sho

But I am pretty when I line up ('ω')

Taste hatoiuto…

What denseness!

I ate THE, butter cream, but am delicious after a long absence!

But if I eat one
I must run a little…I say this
It was the becoming conspicuous that was a crime (laugh)

It circulates through traditional Kashiya of the neighborhood and seems to fit in (*' * `)

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