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Employee Blog

Days of the ADAMAS employee

End of GW ...

GW has been over in no time ('∀')

Not only the corona whirlpool but also the weather is bad this year…It was somewhat the consecutive holidays that were ...

(^_^) where water was filled with in the rice field of the back of the company after the consecutive holidays

GW of the person having a rice field begins by rice-transplanting and seems to terminate in the rice-transplanting. Niigata is; a certain (laugh)

In GW, it is helped with the rice-transplanting of parents in the ADAMAS employee every year…As there is a person called this, I see it with a look of the respect (* `∀`)

As I make a specialty of it << meal >>…

(*'з`) which thinks about what you should be going to like for the side dish to match with new rice now

General affairs Accounting Department [Y]
1117-384, Shimokonakayama, Shibata-shi, Niigata
TEL. 0254-33-2211
FAX. 0254-33-3756
Production, sale of the Diamond whetstone
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